Inspirational Post

Typography is the most important visual element in graphic design.  It is the transfer of information from paper to mind.  Not only does it break down a visual message into a language to be read by the mind, it also sets the mood for what the composition is presenting.  Bold type is loud, without making a single sound.  Italic type is formal, without dressing up.  Distorted type creates movement, without even moving away from its place.  I believe type is called "characters" because thats exactly what they are, they can almost have their own sense of being within a composition.  I find it amazing how there are so many decorations to the same shape that makes a letter, and each one has its own personal feel because of it.  A sans serif on paper looks and feels completely different than a serif.  The fact that I can say "feel" is just as amazing, because I'm talking about a bunch of letters.  That's all people will know them as, that's all they are intended to be.  Since when were they given so much power to move the mind throughout a piece of paper.

A symbol has the power to promote as much personal emotion as a human being.  That is what I find so inspirational in graphic design.  Its a subliminal message, one you would never realize until you are taught how to recognize it.  Before ever taking a class that shown me how graphic design affects people I never would've known that seeing a sentence in all caps is promoting a lot of energy. Yet I would feel the energy thats there, spawned off of connecting emotion to what I am seeing.  I believe all forms of art creates a world for your mind to set itself upon. In graphic design, type is the pillars that keep the roof stable in the world you create.  Without type being in place, you wouldn't have the stable structure in your composition.  I also find the fact that Graphic Design is like a science completely amazing.  Everything has its own function with the intent of moving someone.  A billboard will be seen by a hundred thousand people approximately, for about 0.9 seconds each average.  If the billboard is good enough, it will be remembered for fifteen thousand times more than the time given to observe it.  That doesn't sound like much for just a billboard but thats just it: its a billboard.  Graphic design has been given a power to control what is considered trendy in todays age, and for some reason nobody really recognizes the work of graphic design as much as what it is promoting.  I find that inspirational that something so moving as remained this quiet for so long.

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